eprivateclient - Young Talent
Earlier this year, Nigel Yeo (Chief Operating Officer) and April Leeson (Adviser) had an interview with eprivateclient about the importance of having young talent in the business.
Nigel explained "nurturing and developing young talent is key to transforming the image of the advisory world". He goes on to say "The reputation of the sector is average to disappointing and this is well earned. The horror stories are true."
It is TPO’s aim to “detonate” that image. The next generation will need to take control of the industry to help clean up its reputation.”
TPO is extremely proud of the Financial Planning Executive academy and this was mentioned in the article, for us, it is a great tool to unlock the advisers of the future!
April Leeson is a graduate of the academy and stressed the importance of how important it is to feel supported and encouraged on the journey.
Thank you to April and Nigel for such a fantastic interview on an important topic, read the full article via the link below!